Sunday, February 3, 2008

How To Turn Legislation Into a Cage Match

Talk about sensationalism. This article was on the front page of the Oregonian today:

"For 26 days, can Oregon lawmakers get along?
Legislature - The success or failure of the session could determine whether it becomes a yearly fixture
Sunday, February 03, 2008
The Oregonian Staff

SALEM --Put 90 politicians inside the Capitol for 26 days during an election year. Add a mix of potentially volatile issues, including all-day kindergarten and immigrant driver's licenses.

Stand back.

On Monday, Oregon launches a historic experiment with annual legislative sessions.

Normally, the Legislature meets every two years, unless an emergency special session is necessary. Oregon is one of only six states where lawmakers do not meet every year to craft budgets or debate policy.

But that could change -- depending upon what happens in Salem in the next 26 days.

Democrats and Republicans agree state government -- and its $15 billion budget -- is too complex an enterprise to have a Legislature that meets only in odd-numbered years.

During the next month, they'll try to prove that they can do the people's pressing business and then go home.

So what will they do and how will it work? Check out the issues list and legislative user guide inside.

Will the experiment succeed?

You will decide. Voters would have to change the constitution to make annual sessions permanent. "

WHAT?!?!?! It sounds like they're advertising a TV show about people in suits beating eachother up. and then the whole "you will decide" bit? COME ON!
I guess this is the only way to get people interested in politics.


slevy said...

Check out the video on my blog.
The new fricking love of my life. (Up until the girl starts singing.) Challenging Beirut.

slevy said...

I take that back. Even when the girl sings it's good. And he pulls an Andrew bird by switching seemlessly from piano to ACCORDION (swoon)

Anonymous said...

kinda like super tuesday, its all a game. Politics is just game, no one gets hurt its not that important..... wait YES IT IS. Damnit AMERICA (or in this case just Oregon) CARE. Take care of yourself as a nation please!